Tag Archives: urasa

Summer Fireworks in Nagaoka

Winter is coming and this post is a protest.

In my country, fireworks = New Year’s Eve. There was even a time when flights were cancelled because planes couldn’t make a proper landing due to the heavy smog. Yep, they probably did the countdown up in the air.

So, Japan’s culture of summer fireworks is very new to me. And I actually like the idea. Girls and boys in yukata, food stalls, warm night breeze… feels like an episode in an anime lol

This year, I was so lucky to experience one of the biggest summer fireworks festival and it was in Nagaoka, just 45min away from Urasa by local train.



We took a local train to Nagaoka at (approx) 2pm-ish. It was five hours before the event but the city was already crowded. Totally different from an everyday scene in our mini Urasa.


Dragon chilling while Shinchan and Tsuyoshi figure out the way. Japan is a great place to travel because there’s instructions, everywhere!

Just a few tips:

  1. Bring your own food and drinks. There are food stalls but the place is big, it’s inconvenient, you might get lost, you might lose your “seat” to others, and other bothersome possibilities may occur so better have your own cans of beer and watermelon slices.
  2. Have a waterproof/sealed bag to store ice and you can use it as a cooler once you’re settled in your seat. (An ice box would do if you live a dangerous life.)
  3. MOST IMPORTANTLY, COME EARLY. It’s free admissions so first come, first reservations for a seat. If you don’t want to wait for five hours, then pay for tickets and you’ll have a better view and a better but still public toilet. Just remember, it’s still the same sky… free or not.

So I realised that this kind of fun was what I would be missing out if I didn’t go. Remember, being broke is not an excuse. Save up! Or be lucky enough to have awesome friends to tell you “Shut the f* up and go!”.


Lipon (english: crowd) The most amazing thing here was that people were still so organized. No stampede, fights, whatever. Even lining up for a restroom was done orderly. Wow Japan!

Because I am PH (and I’m lazy), read this info from  (japan-guide) to know more about the festival:

The Nagaoka Fireworks are held over two nights in August along the banks of the Shinano River. Both nights feature almost two straight hours of fireworks including some of the largest shells in Japan such as 90 cm diameter Sanjakudama shells, and the festival’s signature Phoenix Shell, which has come to be a symbol of recovery after the 2004 Niigata Earthquake. The show’s finale covers nearly two kilometers of the riverbank and is the widest span of fireworks in the world.

The Nagaoka Fireworks are the most spectacular of three outstanding firework shows in Niigata Prefecture. The other two are held in coastal Kashiwazaki and in mountainous Katakai.

Finally, here are some of the best hanabi shots I took during the festival:

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Along Shinano River, 20-minute walk from Nagaoka Station
August 2 and 3, 19:25-21:10


居酒屋 (いざかや) 一坊 (かずぼう)

This place did not let me drink from my water bottle, made sure I could speak Japanese and gave hints that I may be thrown out if I couldn’t.

Maybe I can write more about it when I visit again.

But then again, that will probably never happen.

(I got pissed, okay.)


Entrance. The place is intimate but has a karaoke room. Also has two TVs.


Shiitake Tempura


Grilled saba


Yakitori Set

Worth a try but it was not exceptional.

A bit sad.

居酒屋一坊 (Kazubo Tavern)

〒949-7302 新潟県南魚沼市浦佐1345-2
TEL/FAX 025-777-4538
営業時間 (Operation Hours) 17:30 onwards (LO:23:30)
定休日 日曜日 (Closed on Sundays)

A Chinese Affair

I miss President’s siomai. And although I prefer Wan Chai over Wai Ying, any of these two can make me vomit rainbows of happiness. Sometimes, I see dreams of siomai, xia long bao, beef hof…………………….. whew. You lost me there. Almost drooling.

I’m missing Chinese food so much, particularly dumplings and other Cantonese dishes. I knew that there would not be a lot of Chinese restaurants in Urasa and even if there are some, it would not be as cheap back in Manila and the taste would not be as rich and salty as what I am used to having, but, who knew I could learn to love “Japanese” Chinese Food?

Moving to SD4 may have its own share of disadvantages but it gave me an opportunity to see more of what this town has to offer. I just learned that I am living a few dances away from three restaurants which are under the category of “Chinese” (中華料理). It may not be the same as Binondo’s but it surely satisfied my taste buds and didn’t hurt my pockets much. Value for your money is almost a hundred percent.

北乃宿 きたのやど 


Kitanoyado was our life saver during Obon. It was Meir’s last day and we couldn’t find a single store that was open. Good thing I have moved to SD4 and remembered this place.


Quite roomy and very welcoming. It’s the best place to celebrate the end of group projects and reports by telling yourselves, “good job” as you chug beers and do kampai. The izakaya aura is there – dim yellow lights, beer glasses, noisy chatters…


The place is famous for Okonomiyaki. You can cook it on your own. They offer a variety of mixes from seafood, cheese, pork and more. But since it is an izakaya, they also serve “pulutan” or appetizers when drinking alcohol such as fried Camembert cheese.


〒949-7241 新潟県南魚沼市黒土新田470-2
TEL/FAX 025-779-2685
営業時間 (Operation Hours) 17:00-23:00
定休日 不定休 (Irregular holidays)

菜館 さいかん


黒ゴマ四川担々麺 Black Sesame Sichuan Tantanmen for the price of ¥860 only! The place serves decent xiao long bao for ¥160 a piece. Now, the shop is one of the participants of MAJI DON festival and they serve 400g meat on top of a rice bowl for the price of ¥1,200+, but only on weekends. Now who wants to try it with me?


〒949-7226 新潟県南魚沼市山崎新田5-1
TEL/FAX 025-779-3242
営業時間 (Operation Hours) M-F 11:30~14:00; 17:30~22:00(L.O) Sun 11:30~14:00
定休日 水曜日(Closed on Wednesdays)

東軒 あずまけん


ニラレバ炒め定食 Stir-fried liver and garlic chives meal set for less than a thousand yen! Look at that volume and the side dishes… I could not even finish it all. But gosh, the liver was very soft and fresh (not iron-tasting) and the vegetables were also cooked just right, not soggy.


〒949-7241 新潟県南魚沼市黒土新田459-9
TEL/FAX 025-779-2795

Happily settled in my new home and I cannot wait to take on more food trips than ever. My love for Chinese has just gone deeper, even appreciating “Japanese” Chinese food.


Hasta la vista, baby!

“I’m gonna be so saaaaaaad…”

True enough.

No more profound realizations with my philosophical guru (actually we just indulge on Speculoous Cookie Butter while we gossip; and of course internalize how blessed we are to be in IUJ, wink). No more hilarious impressions and pop quotes like “Shut Up and Drink!”. No more blah blah blah

At first, I did not know how take in all these realizations. Most of my friends were leaving and I knew it would never be the same again. I felt sad. I guess it is true what Bi told me, “Being alone gets to you”. And as much as I would love to have an image of strong, don’t-care, everything’s-cool attitude, I was highly incapable of becoming positive in my outlook in life.

But you know, before forming into a big ball of negativity, someone or something would always manage to give me a push to move forward. Somehow, (luckily) it gives me strength to feed the happy wolf inside me, and not the lonely one. And this time, the enlightenment sprouted from a nearly drunk conversation just a few minutes past midnight at the veranda of snack lounge.

People of the earth, it may take another millennium for us to develop a technology that will make us travel faster than the light. Until then, we do not have any means to go back in time and it is up to ourselves to make the most out of the present. Don’t you regret not doing anything? I have those days when I could have sent a message to a friend and tried reaching out to them but instead, I curl up on my bed and do nothing. Literally nothing. Just thinking, thinking, analyzing… thinking too much. What could have been or what should have been. Whys and more whys.

IUJ is a very special place. It does not have much of the earthly distractions you will get in big cities like Tokyo. It somehow creates an energy of pulling you towards people of different cultures from different places. Why throw away such a good opportunity and fall into a complaining whiny loser? Engage, be strong, reach from within. It is not a bad thing if you always make the first move.

My memory is quite poor but I remember how I met one of my closest friends, Meir. He told me that at first, he was not very fond of me at all and I seemed too enthusiastic with small stuff that it was weird. Actually, I was very excited to meet someone who also likes music, enjoys karaoke and loves conversing about life. I took the initiative to be friends with him and until now, I am glad to have done so. So I guess the bottom line of this poorly written blog is… nothing. I just felt like writing.

I am sad, yes. But I am also excited for the new adventures. Honestly, I feel blessed to have met people who I feel difficult to say goodbye to. The transition period always comes as a difficult ride but still, it will take me somewhere and it is way better than being stuck.

So to all friends and students who have graduated, hasta la vista! See you all later!


Izayoi, a life saver in Obon

One afternoon, after an IEP* class, Michael, Aye Pyite and I decided to go to Juen for lunch. But much to our dismay, it was closed when we got there. We drove around town hoping to find other restaurants but apparently most were closed because of Obon. Attempted to dine at Matsuyoshi but it was too crowded and could not even accommodate us. Panic and hunger level 99.99%. We were starving and close to giving up on life when we finally tried our luck at Izayoi aaaaaand thank goodness, it was open!


The shop seemed a bit new, maybe built last year or just a few years back.


It has ample space. There’s a counter, a sofa area and a tatami space as well. Probably a good lunch fix on weekdays when you have at least an hour and a half break.

The shop mostly offers 定食 or meal set. A meal set usually has the main dish, rice, soup, pickles, and other side dishes you can think of. In this shop, they even give you Chawanmushi! Don’t know what that is? Let me google that for you. It’s my favorite item in a Japanese buffet. I just can’t get enough… (cues Depeche Mode). I ordered their Lunch Special for the day which is Miso Horumon. Super yummy! Not sure what Horumon is? Well, it is basically a dish using the internal organs of a pig or a cow. It is derived from the word/kanji 放る(horu – toss/throw) 物(mono – things) which means “discarded goods”. Some would not probably fancy such dish but I really really really like it. It makes me miss the pig’s ears dish back home. Michael and Aye Pyite got the Karaage Teishoku (Fried Chicken) and they said it was good, second to Juen’s.


Ordered a set menu of Miso Horumon for only ¥800!!! Plus points for having a chawan-mushi in this set.

Some people would ask me why I am staying in this place or why I didn’t go back to my country. Well, why not? I don’t have anything productive to do in Manila so why go back? I decided to make the most out of my stay here by by joining my university’s Intensive English Program* (IEP) as a facilitator. I get to review my English skills, meet new people, and spend more time here in Urasa to know more about this little town I live in. I even had the chance to discover Izayoi! I am quite happy to feel settled at the moment. Before, I used to have an Air spirit – always on-the-go, eager to travel and comfortable in any place. Now, I feel the desire to be bound by something.

Well, this probably, shall pass. Whatever the case is, I am glad to say that I am doing alright.

お食事処 いざよい (Izayoi)

〒949-7302 新潟県南魚沼市浦佐4339-7
TEL/FAX 025-775-7648
営業時間 (Operation Hours) 11:00~14:00; 17:00~22:00(LO:21:30)
定休日 火曜日 (Closed on Tuesdays)

Yummy Handcrafted Ice Cream

I am not a fan of sweets, especially ice cream. But I definitely cannot say no to it amidst the scorching summer heat. It is a good thing that Urasa has been experiencing rain showers for the past few days but before that… it was just heat and humidity all over the place! I had to cool down. And aside from air conditioner, there is one thing that can do the trick: a helpful serving of ice cream goodness.

Yummy Handcrafted Ice Cream, counter

Since it’s summer and a perfect season for short walks and cycles, I ditched the normal ice cream in baiten (school shop), cycled all the way to Yummy and tried the most-talked Gelato shop in town (Well probably it is the only one in Urasa…)  for the second time. The first time I visited this shop was one late afternoon, after having lunch at Izayoi with Michael and Aye Pyite. But that is another story. 

Yummy Handcrafted Ice Cream, outside benches

Yummy is a very intimate shop but that does not stop people from coming. Lines can get long and the parking lot rarely gets empty, especially when you come in the afternoon. I won’t deny it is a hip place to have a date, but there are just too many Japanese couples in there. And other times, housewives  hang out in one of the four tiny tables provided and engage in long conversations about the existence of ancient civilization of reptilian men, just hidden beneath of L.A. lol

Although small, there are benches and tables outside where you can enjoy a cone or cup of your flavor of choice. It is definitely a good stop for a Sunday cycle routine.

They have various and very original flavors. For regular ones, they usually serve Rare Cheesecake, Choco Banana, Koshihikari Brown Rice Milk (I’m curious to try this one!). Black Sesame, Echigo Wine Milk and more. They also offer seasonal and limited flavors such as Yairo Watermelon Sorbet (Unexpectedly very good, must try!) and Sakura (Cherry Blossoms).

Yummy Handcrafted Ice Cream, ice cream flavors

You can have it in a cup or in a cone. I prefer it in a cup to avoid any dripping mess.

Price is reasonable, and varies depending on the size you order. Junior (smallest size) ¥180, Single (regular size) ¥310, Double (2 regular servings) ¥420. But this price is only for the regular flavors. They also have premium ones which have the following prices: J 260, S 370, D1 (Premium + Regular ¥470, D2 (2 Premium) ¥520. Well, I don’t know if it should be considered expensive or cheap but I’d certainly rather have this one than buy an ordinary Haagen Dazs cup which would cost even more than ¥300.

Junior size Black Sesame

Junior size Black Sesame. It is a bit small but it’s the right size for someone who doesn’t eat ice cream so much.

Cone: Blueberry Yogurt and Yairo Watermelon Sorbet. Cup: Rare Cheesecake and Almond Praline

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P.S. They also serve other kinds of sweets such as bread, pudding and cakes. If I am not mistaken, they also sell melons somewhere in the corner.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and let me know of your Yummy experience.
Fall is coming!

手づくりアイスクリームの店ヤミー (ジェラート工房ヤミー)

TEL/FAX 025-777-2920
営業時間 (Operation Hours) [April to November] 10:00~18:00; [December to March]11:00~18:00
定休日 月曜(7~9月は無休) Closed on Mondays, No holidays in July to September


The title says it all.

After being away for weeks because of internship duties, Birim (my super pretty best friend from Turkey) finally came back to IUJ to visit for a day. (Luckily) she arrived just in time for the last day of the Yairo Watermelon Festival which offers All-You-Can-Eat watermelon for only ¥500! Fruit lovers should definitely try this during summer and for those who are not, I suggest you still go for experience. Trust me, it’s worth it. I am not a fruit person but Yairo watermelon is definitely one of the best and it’s too sweet for you to say no! And what is ¥500? That’s certainly a sweet and cheap treat to beat the summer heat!


Super friends Corvin, Shinichi and Birim walking towards the 食べ放題 tent. This modest location is the home of sweet gold! Look at those watermelons!


Most servers at the tent are women. As Shin-chan said, this is probaby because it is organized by JA魚沼みなみ あぐりぱーく八色 (agricultural organization) where men go to the fields to work and women sell the products. Note: You can have a free slice of watermelon! サービスです!


Finally, what do I do without this girl? She slaps me with the reality without judging me. Always there to lend an ear even when she’s so busy. (And she ate so much watermelon.)


These people woke up past 8am just to have watermelon for breakfast. Sweet!


Aside from the promo, you can also buy your own watermelon to bring home. Price varies from the weight/size of the fruit. They also give you an option of sending it to a location, if you wish to give it as a gift to someone.

Where: JA魚沼みなみ あぐりぱーく八 〒949-7302南魚沼市浦佐5147-1

It’s a 40 minute walk, 20 minute cycle and 13 minute drive from IUJ.

When: July 22 – August 10, 2015 (It has passed so be sure to watch out for next year. It will probably have almost the same period.)
Time: 9:00 – 17:00 (They let you stay until closing time as long as you can eat watermelons!)
Price: ¥300 for Elementary students and ages below; ¥500 for Junior High School students and ages above.

For more information (Japanese), click here.

Certainly thankful to have experienced this festival on its last day. Managed to eat only three slices but it definitely is a good memory to share.

Four Seasons in IUJ

Who says IUJail is boring? It may not be awe-inspiring like some spots in Tokyo but there are a lot of cool stuff you can do in the university. Certainly, the place has its (-) but if you have the right attitude and you are with the right people, everything will be awesome. Like unicorns and rainbows, everywhere.


Brunches at the BBQ area


Brunch with the lovely girls (View from this place is amazing, I promise! Mountains, mountains everywhere!)


Susana preparing frittatas at SD2 kitchen

If you get to brunch with such lovely girls (even if people call this place a jail), then certainly you would not mind being a prisoner, right? Orange is the new black. You also get to enjoy the scenery and appreciate nature as you dine. Summer may not be a good idea because aside from being too HOT (temp can go as high as 38 deg C and up), insects are also almost everywhere, just there chilling out to balance the ecosystem and more importantly to annoy people. But if you do not mind such minor details, then please do try it out or wait until Fall when it’s cooler and not so infested with insects. (Oh and also don’t forget about the snakes..)

First, YOU DEFINITELY should have eggs in the menu. (For those who are allergic to eggs, I’m sorry.) You can do whatever kind – sunny-side-up, poached, boiled… but my friend Susana 👈 does it best – frittatas with cheese, tomatoes, basil, milk, a bit of mayo (but if you want something low-fat then scrap this off) and then put a lid on it just before it gets cooked so that it will retain it’s moist texture. Yuuuuuuum! You’ll be lucky as well if you have a friend who will bring Turkish bacon – that and frittatas are probably the best combination for breakfast. Plus mimosa of course. (These are all my own opinion. Some people are okay with just coffee, fyi.) You can also opt for a sweeter version. Eggs and pancakes. Serve it with fruits, Nutella, ice cream, maple syrup…whatever you can find to induce diabetes, just go!


Nabe, because you can just put everything in there!


Nabe by none other than Shin-chan! I’m not sure how many stuff were inside that pot – tofu, bacon-sliced meat, veggie… kimchi… it’s a super nabe!

Winter is the best season for potluck parties, mainly because it’s such a pain to go outside and there’s plenty of chances to just chill out with friends. This is also the best time for drinking whiskey and beers. Sake, too! You can all put them just outside the window and let them cool under the snow. Alcohol-lovers out there, this is your season! I also like it because it’s timely for soup. I love soup. It screams of motherly love and home memories. (And aside from all the drinks/food I have mentioned) You can go snowboarding and skiing in the city – lots of ski resorts out there. There’s also snow-shoeing which is good because you can explore the mountains within the vicinity. And of course, you can go to onsen or hot springs and it would just feel so daaaamn good. I thought winter was too long and depressing but I realized now that I would choose this season over summer… anytime.

Winter Potluck

Just awesome people eating awesome food. Everything on the table is prepared by someone. There’s Jap cuisine, Myanmar, Filipino, etc.


Gyoza parties


Gyoza House Party at Uncle Ken’s house!

My friends and I love Gyoza a lot and even planned to go on a trip to Utsunomiya (the gyoza wonderland) but because of my lack of organizational skills (and really hectic schedule, I promise), we skipped over it. Hopefully we’ll get together soon and continue the plan. So it was really a blessing when Uncle Ken and his wife invited us for a gyoza-making house party. One of the advantages of being an IUJer is being able to have a connection with the local people of Minami Uonuma City and having the chance to meet people like Uncle Ken. The locals here very warm, thoughtful and SWEET, super super sweet. Whoever stated that all Japanese people are cold surely disregarded people outside Tokyo. It’s a myth and an overrated generalization.

Spring is the season of exploration. You can go sakura-viewing day/night, cycle around town, and attend festivals in and out of the school. This season is also when Open Day and Olympics happen so be sure to watch out for those events make the most out of it.

Now, I totally feel I would kick-ass if I become a mom (and yes, just because I know how to make gyozas).


Barbecue and fireworks

Meat met meat overload! I wish there can be oysters…


First time to experience BBQ-ing surrounded by rice fields.

Summer = BBQ, beer and fireworks. An occasional swim in the river can also suffice. If you’re the outdoor type, you can also try KAYAKing in the river (Done it and was one of the best experiences I have. Thanks to Shin-chan.) or try climbing Mt. Hakkai. It’s a season to get physical (but not for me, sorry). You can play sports, go for a run or cycle, or even go fishing, enjoy the neighborhood and be as lazy as you want because no one will judge you! In a shorter term, it’s called vacation.

There’s no ageha, starbucks or H&M in here but it does not mean you won’t enjoy it. Remember: Boredom is only for those with idle minds. Keep your positive spirits on track and maximize your opportunities. Forget (temporarily) the neon lights, EDM, shopping sprees, hipster cafes… embrace what the town/school has to offer.

It’s worth your time!

An overview of Hadaka Matsuri

or Naked Man Festival, as translated in English. Sounds cool, right? But, (a bit disappointingly hahaha) the guys are not completely naked. I am not quite certain how this festival started but it has been going on for more than a thousand years. Thanks to Google, I found out that this festival was originally being practiced in Okayama and is mainly for good luck and wealth. It is also considered as one of the strangest festivals in Japan. (Well, don’t you think so?) Here in Urasa, the festival is held at the temple of Bishamonten, usually at the first week of March when the winter season is at its peak. (the season for knee-high waterproof boots and big-ass coats) Locals and as well as IUJ students participate on the event.

裸の祭 1

them brave ones in loincloths

In some places, this festival is held during summer (good for them!). So how do these young (some are just at heart haha) and brave men of Urasa survive the freezing temperature by just wearing loincloths?


Isn’t it just amazing that this place is also the home of the kick-ass brand of sake, Hakkai-san? Fyi, the brewery is just a few minutes away from the school. (Haven’t been there, so if anyone would like to invite me..?)  IUJ students who would be participating in the festival (strictly male students ONLY) would drink sake before going to the event. They usually do a traditional cheer in CNP, Snack Lounge in the afternoon and go to the event by the free shuttle bus provided by the school. Normally, 2-3 bottles of sake would be provided free but if these are not enough to make the guys “pumped up”, then they can always buy more.

裸の祭 2

There’s just so many people. A very different setting from the usual peaceful and quiet surroundings of Urasa. (Lots of media peeps as well)

裸の祭 3

If you are going there to watch, be sure to get out of the way. I can assure you that it’s very intense. Some men even pass out.

Why are they naked?

IDK. And without the help of the internet, I can only guess that it symbolizes the bravery of the participating gentlemen.

What do they do?

Well, first, the guys would line up (in groups of 4) towards the statue of Bishamonten (the god of war in Japanese Buddhism but also has other persona in India, Tibet, etc.) where they would dip themselves into the freezing pond of the statue while shouting “Sanyo! Sanyo!”. But because there’s too many people and the guys are just piss-drunk, sometimes they’d lose their fellow group mates and be with unfamiliar faces, which is totally okay because nobody cares.

After the semi-skinny dipping, the guys would run fast to the temple to receive kifudas (wooden tablets) and fight their way off to the “stage”. I wasn’t able to glimpse what the “stage” actually looked like but I heard that if you were able to get on it, you will be reaaaaaally lucky and fortunate for the years to come. Well, if you have the energy and the courage (despite being super drunk) to make your way through the crowd, then there is no mistaking it that you’ll make it big. Wink.

What’s the purpose of the candle?

I almost forgot but there are HUGE candles in the event. Each candle weighs around 30kg and is carried by a representative of a group. (The rep carries it with the possibility of the wax dripping onto his skin.) Ouch and nope. For the purpose, sorry, but I am totally clueless. Let me know if you have any idea.


Procession just outside the shrine. There were various activities occurring simultaneously within the vicinity. I really couldn’t grasp the programme. But it was okay since all corners of the place were full of life and interesting stuff.

How long does it last?

Approx 18:00-23:00. If you’re wondering how to get there and back home, IUJ and GSO-EC would organize free shuttle service with various time slots, fyi.

For more information on this festival, check out these sites: enjoy niigata, snow-country, and 新潟観光 (in jp). You may be able to have a deeper understanding of the event as you research on it.

In the meantime, let me share with you the highlight of the event (for me): FOOD STALLS!


Crepe stand. Taste would be 2 out 5 so I wouldn’t suggest you to try it. But the elderly couple looked so adorable and they were really nice.

裸の祭 5

YAKISOBA. Lots and lots of it!

裸の祭 4

And finally, KEBABS! According to this Turkish beauty, it’s a legit one.

It didn’t sink to me back then but I just realized that this festival was/is really a great one. The street across Urasa Sta leading to the temple was full of food stalls. For the first time, the town was full of bold color lights and PEOPLE. Yes, there are people in this town!!! Yakitori, yakisoba, crepes, kebabs, taiyaki, okonomiyaki, whatever! It’s like a summer festival in March minus the fireworks and plus the almost naked men.

Definitely looking forward to next year’s!

PS. If you’re a guy, an incoming student/freshman and reading this article, I hope you try participating. It’s a life experience!